Wildfire 101: Mitigation & Planning
March 23, 2021 @ 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Wildfire 101: Mitigation and Planning
2020 was a bad year for wildfires. Lengthy periods of dry conditions coupled with the intense wind events of Labor Day sparked one of the most catastrophic wildfire seasons the West has seen. Now, the 20′-21′ winter in Washington has seen above average temperatures with normal to high levels of precipitation. This has led many to worry that the 2021 summer will be long and dry, with an abundance of vegetation fuels across the landscape.
While the ground may still be white with snow, the spring buds have already begun to sprout and the days are getting longer. Don’t wait to begin treating your forest or planning for an emergency before it’s too late. Now is the time to both figuratively and literally lace up our boots and get outside.
Whether this is a refresher or you’re just now looking into how you can better prepare your forest, home, and community, this will cover the baseline information you need to know to be prepared for the wildfire season.
- Home Ignition Zone, Firewise®, and wildfire resilient landscaping – Guy Gifford
- Forest fuels management and basic wildfire behavior – Rob Lionberger
- Emergency planning and resources and community engagement – Ashley Blazina
- Case Study: A story from the 2014 wildfires in the Methow – Ken Bevis
This webinar will also include a presentation from a landowner who encountered a wildfire on their property. We will here some of the success and failures they experienced and what they learned from their experience.
Tuesday, March 23rd, 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM.
This will be a Zoom webinar.