Kalispel CAA Class I Designation Technical Report
Kalispel CAA Class I Designation Technical Report
Kalispel CAA Class I Designation Technical Report
Pend Oreille County Commissioners regularly scheduled meeting is Monday, October 15th and Tuesday, October 16th. POC Commissioners' Agenda Oct. 15 & 16. Agenda is attached.
https://pendoreilleco.org/your-government/community-development/public-involvement-and-planning-commission/ Responsible Growth * NE Washington and Citizens Against Newport Silicon Smelter submitted an application packet to the Pend Oreille County Community Development Department on August 31, 2018. Our packet contained amendments to the Pend Oreille County Comprehensive Plan. The Pend Oreille County Planning Commission at its October 9, 2018 meeting, chose not to docket
Pend Oreille County departments keep an on-line log of correspondence and documents pertinent to the proposed Newport silicon metal smelter. Not everything one may be looking for is on there, but it is a start.
Responsible Growth * NE Washington and Citizens Against Newport Silicon Smelter submitted amendments to the Pend Oreille County Comprehensive Plan. A set of amendments that support the basic principles of the Plan to keep our environment rural and the citizen free from air, water and land pollution. It was apparent that the Pend Oreille County