1st Power of Science Series: Priest River Temperature Study
December 10, 2018 @ 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Monday, December 10 / 6–7pm
Pend Oreille County Library (Newport Branch)
Priest River Temperature Study Presentation
Sponsored by the Kalispel Tribe, United States Geological Survey (USGS) and the Selkirk Alliance for Science
Cold, clean water is a necessity for native fish species to survive. Understanding where that cold water exists can help inform our understanding of how native fish are utilizing a waterbody and can help direct where we invest in projects that protect or improve the amount of cold water available. The Kalispel Tribe and USGS have been studying the temperatures in the Priest River and are excited to share the findings of this study.
Come on Down!
This is the first presentation in our “Power of Science” series. Learn about theexciting science that is occurring in Northeast Washington and Northern Idaho. RSVP on Facebook KNRD_Power of Science_Temp_Flyer