Resolution Opposing Rezoning of Public Land
RESOLUTION NO. 08-08-2018 final Resolution No. 08-08-2018 "Resolution Opposing the Rezoning of Public Land to R40 owned by PacWest Silicon, LLC" was presented to the Pend Oreille County Community Development Department. It was presented along with
Scoping a Silicon Smelter
The Washington Department of Ecology has given the people opposing the proposed Newport silicon metal smelter a deadline of October 26th to submit scoping questions and comments about concerns over the impacts of the proposed
Your Vote Counts!
There are more good reasons to fill out and mail-in your ballot than there is to throw the unopened ballot in the trash and say, "my vote doesn't count, anyway." Voting is the one opportunity
Responsible Growth * NE Washington launches website
Welcome to Responsible Growth * NE Washington's new website. Our website will keep you informed of the latest happenings in the local world of Arts & Humanities. We will share research and current events on