The Washington Department of Ecology has given the people opposing the proposed Newport silicon metal smelter a deadline of October 26th to submit scoping questions and comments about concerns over the impacts of the proposed silicon metal smelter. Those impacts include adverse affects on our environment, air and water quality, human health, wildlife and vegetation, soil, watersheds, train and truck traffic, public safety, socioeconomic impacts, infrastructure, tourism and much more.
This scoping period is the only time we have to identify all the issue and resources that the DOE must consider when preparing its EIS (Environmental Impact Statement), as well as the potential impacts the proposed silicon metal smelter may have on our resources, our health, the health of our children and grandchildren and friends and our environment.
According to Grant Pfeifer, once the scoping period is over no more questions or comments will be accepted as part of the EIS. The next opportunity for the public to speak or give written input will be during the public comment period after the EIS Scoping Report is finished. This could take up to a year.
“REMEMBER: You don’t have to do the analysis for the agency. At the scoping stage, you just need to identify the issues and potential impacts that must be analyzed. You should also submit any research or supporting documentation that is relevant to assessing the significance of the project’s potential impacts.”
Anyone can submit comments to the Department of Ecology by snail mail, e-mail, phone, fax, hand-delivered, on-line. DOE contact information: Grant Pfeifer, Regional Director, Washington Department of Ecology, 4601 North Monroe Street, Spokane, Washington, 99205 or